2020: Tasman District reorganisation: establishment of a Golden Bay local board

The Commission has concluded its consideration of this application for reorganisation.

Jump to the final development of the Tasman District reorganisation application

Application for local board

Receipt of application

On 31 October 2018, the Commission received an application from the ‘Working Group for a Golden Bay local board’ seeking the establishment of a local board to replace the existing Golden Bay Community Board in Tasman District.

You can read the application here:

Application: Local government reorganisation for establishment of a Golden Bay local board (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Agreement to assess application

On 29 November 2018, the Commission resolved that the application for establishment of a Golden Bay local board met the statutory requirements and agreed to assess the application.

You can read the Commission’s decision and related media release here:

Media release: Commission agrees to assess Golden Bay local board application (30 November 2018)

Decision: To assess the Golden Bay local board application (PDF, 125 KB)

Alternative applications

Invitation for alternative applications

On 8 May 2019, the Commission gave public notification of the application for the establishment of a Golden Bay local board and called for alternative applications as it was required to do.

You can read the Commission’s media release here:

Media release: Commission calls for alternatives to Golden Bay local board application (8 May 2019)

The Commission also released the following document to assist those considering making alternative applications:

Background information: A local board for Golden Bay? Elsewhere in Tasman District? What do you think? (PDF, 146 KB)

Response to call for alternative applications

The Commission received five responses to its call for alternatives to the Golden Bay local board application. You can read those responses here:

Alternative applications: Responses to the call for alternatives to the Golden Bay local board application (PDF, 396 KB)

Golden Bay local board application: position paper

On 27 August 2019, the Commission released a position paper on the Golden Bay local board application process to provide further information on local boards and community boards to help inform public debate in the lead-up to the October 2019 local authority elections. You can read the position paper here:

Position paper: Golden Bay local board application (PDF, 173 KB)

Changes to legislation

The Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Act 2019 came into effect on 21 October 2019. This made significant changes to the law governing how local government reorganisation proposals are to be dealt with by the Local Government Commission.

The existing local board reorganisation process in Tasman District is deemed to be a “reorganisation investigation” in terms of the new legislation. This means that rather than the process following a series of steps as set down in the previous legislation, the Commission has more flexibility over the process it will follow and is better able to design a process to fit the issues before it in a particular case.

Before deciding on the investigation process it will follow, the Commission is required to consult affected local authorities and iwi and hapū with interests in the area. Accordingly, the Commission undertook the required consultations in late 2019 in relation to the possible establishment of a local board in Golden Bay and elsewhere in Tasman District.

The amended legislation can be accessed using the New Zealand Legislation Website's search function.

Schedule 3 of the Local Government Act 2002 (NZ Legislation website)

Reorganisation investigation process

Adoption of investigation process document

Following the required consultation with the affected local authorities (Tasman District Council) and iwi in late 2019, the Commission adopted a reorganisation investigation process document setting out how it intends to carry out the required investigation into possible establishment of a local board in Golden Bay and elsewhere in Tasman District.

You can see the Commission’s investigation process document here:

Process document: Golden Bay local board application investigation (PDF, 803 KB)

The main features of the investigation process are:

    • development of a document, for consultation purposes, on the option of a Golden Bay local board
    • consultation across Tasman District on the Golden Bay local board option, including invitations for expressions of support for local boards elsewhere in the district
    • the calling for submissions and holding of hearings before deciding whether or not to prepare and issue a reorganisation plan for establishment of one or more local boards in Tasman District.

Delay in release of consultation document

In April 2020, as a result of the Covid-19 emergency, the Commission gave notice there would be a delay in the release of the ‘Tasman District – option of a Golden Bay local board’ consultation document.

Public notice: Delay in release of consultation document on Golden Bay local board application (22 April 2020)

Amended investigation process document

At the end of June 2020, the Commission gave notice of its amendment to the ‘Golden Bay local board application: investigation process document’ to include an amended timetable for public consultation and subsequent steps in light of the Covid-19 emergency.

You can see the amended document and related public notice here:

Public notice: Amendment to timetable for investigating Golden Bay local board application (1 July 2020)

Process document: Golden Bay local board application amended investigation process (PDF, 236 KB)

Consultation on Golden Bay local board option

Invitation for submissions

The Commission is now calling for submissions on the option of establishing a Golden Bay local board in Tasman District.

The Commission has released a consultation document on this option which is being delivered to all mailboxes in Tasman District.

Public notice: A Golden Bay local board? – Local Government Commission releases consultation document (6 July 2020)

Consultation document: Tasman District - option of a Golden Bay local board (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Submission form - option of a Golden Bay local board (PDF, 67 KB)

(Note: This is not an online submission form. To make a submission please download form to your PC, fill in, save and send as attachment to: submissions@lgc.govt.nz)

Submissions close on 14 August 2020

Background information for submissions

You can read background information on matters contained in the consultation document here:

Key decisions: Tasman District and local boards: Option of a Golden Bay local board (PDF, 354 KB)

Report: Local Government Commission on the proposal for a Golden Bay Local Board as part of Tasman District Council by PJ & Associates - 4 June 2020 (PDF, 145 KB)

Close of submissions and hearings

The Commission received a total of 585 submissions on the option of establishing a Golden Bay local board. It has arranged two hearings for those submitters who have confirmed they wish to address the Commission in support of their submission.

The hearings will be held on Onetahua marae, Pohara, Golden Bay on 8 September from 10am, and in the Headingly Centre, Richmond on 9 September 2020, from 2pm.

Media release: High interest in the option of a local board for Golden Bay – Local Government Commission to hear submissions (4 September 2020)

In light of attendance at the hearings being restricted to those confirming they wish to speak to the Commission in support of their submission, arrangements have been made for members of the public to watch the hearings by way of the Department of Internal Affairs’ facebook page.

Submissions received

At its meeting on 15 October 2020, the Commission formally received the submissions on the option of a local board for Golden Bay. It noted that a total of 587 submissions had been received but that two had subsequently been withdrawn.

The contents of the submissions and a brief analysis can be viewed here:

Submissions: Option of a Golden Bay local board (PDF, 1.7 MB)

Decision on local boards for Golden Bay and elsewhere in Tasman District

At its meeting on 11 November 2020, the Commission resolved not to develop and adopt a reorganisation plan for the establishment of one or more local boards in Tasman District. Instead, the Commission decided to meet with Tasman District Council, Golden Bay Community Board, the Working Group for a Golden Bay Local Board and Manawhenua ki Mohua to discuss the possibility of greater empowerment of Golden Bay Community Board and also options for improving relationships between Golden Bay and Tasman District Council.

You can read the Commission’s decision and related media release here: 

Media release: Commission says no to a Golden Bay Local Board (17 November 2020)

Decision document: Not to adopt a reorganisation plan for Tasman District local boards (PDF, 255 KB)

Completion of reorganisation investigation process

At its meeting on 11 December 2020, the Commission resolved to complete its investigation in response to the Golden Bay local board application. The Commission has, however, agreed to facilitate further discussions between the parties on the possibility of greater empowerment of the existing Golden Bay Community Board, including more decision-making responsibility, and also options for improving relationships between Golden Bay and Tasman District Council.

Public notice: Completion of Golden Bay local board investigation (14 December 2020)