2019: West Coast Reorganisation

The Commission has concluded its consideration of this application for reorganisation.

Jump to the final development of the West Coast reorganisation application

Reorganisation application

In June 2015 the Local Government Commission received an application asking it to look at local government arrangements on the West Coast, with a view to making changes. The application met the legal requirements for assessment.

Original application: West Coast Reorganisation June 2015 (PDF, 5.3 MB)

In August 2015 the Commission agreed to assess the application.

Community engagement

The Commission ran a community engagement programme on the West Coast in June and early July 2016 to find out what the community thought about local government arrangements on the West Coast.  

Between the end of May and 8 July 2016, the Commission engaged with the West Coast community through community workshops, drop-in sessions, stakeholder meetings, newspaper advertisements and articles, radio advertising, shop-window posters, an on-line and hard-copy questionnaire and a pamphlet distributed throughout the region. People were also able to fill in a short online questionnaire.

A questions and answers document was created to support community engagement.

Media release: Questions and answers - West coast reorganisation (2016)

The Commission wanted to talk to the West Coast community about:

    • What the big challenges and opportunities are on the West Coast

    • What the community likes about the current way their councils are set up and the way services are delivered

    • Whether there is anything about the current way that councils are set up and the way services are delivered, that the community would like to change

    • Whether there are any council services the community thinks would be better delivered over a wider area as shared services by existing councils

    • Whether some councils should be combined.

West Coast residents and ratepayers were able to attend community workshops in the evening and community drop-in sessions during the day to talk to Commission representatives.

Drop-in sessions and workshops

The Commission was on the West Coast hosting drop-in sessions and workshops in June as below:

Timetable: West Coast reorganisation drop-in sessions and workshops - June 2016 (PDF, 68 KB)

In August 2016 the Commission decided it was satisfied there was demonstrable community support across the West Coast and that it would progress the application.  

Summary of West Coast feedback

On August 12, 2016, the Commission released its summary of West Coast community feedback along with an outline of next steps.

Media release: Commission releases community feedback, next steps (12 August 2016)

Summary: Community feedback on West Coast Local Government Arrangements – August 2016 (PDF, 1 MB) 

In August 2016 the Commission decided it was satisfied there was demonstrable community support across the West Coast and that it would progress the application.  

Regional efficiency reports

As well as progressing the reorganisation application, the Commission and the West Coast councils worked together to get independent reports prepared on transport arrangements and Resource Management Act services in the West Coast region.

You can read these reports here along with the associated media release:

Media release: Regional efficiency reports an ‘important milestone' (13 February 2017)

Report: West Coast Regional Transport Efficiency - Draft Indicative Business Case (PDF, 2.9 MB)

Report: West Coast Regional Efficiency - Resource Management Services (PDF, 2.7 MB)

The next step  was then for the councils, together with the Commission, to decide whether further work should be done on these projects.

Alternative reorganisation applications and other proposals for change

Invitation for alternative reorganisation applications and other proposals for change

As required, the Commission invited alternative applications to the original application, and other proposals for change.

The deadline for the Commission to receive these was Wednesday, 15 March 2017.

For more information about alternative applications and other proposals refer to:

Media release: Invitation for alternative reorganisation applications and other proposals for change to West Coast local government arrangements: Supporting information (1 February 2017)

Public notice: Invitation for alternative reorganisation applications and other proposals for change to West Coast local government arrangements (1 February 2017)

Media release: Commission calls for alternative reorganisation applications and other proposals for change to West Coast local government arrangements (1 February 2017)


The Commission’s call for alternative reorganisation applications or other proposals for change to West Coast local government arrangements closed on 15 March 2017. The Commission received 23 responses, 19 of which made specific proposals for change. These fell into two broad categories: Proposals for structural reorganisation, and proposals for some form of shared service. These can be read below.

Proposals for structural reorganisation:

    1. Proposal: Michael Sexton (PDF, 135 KB)
    2. Proposal: Keith Morfett (PDF, 221 KB)
    3. Proposal: Terry Archer (PDF, 237 KB)
    4. Proposal: Paul Maunder (PDF, 202 KB)
    5. Proposal: Mike Rogers (PDF, 207 KB)
    6. Proposal: Charlotte May (PDF, 559 KB)
    7. Proposal: Charles Bruning (PDF, 405 KB)
    8. Proposal: A. Kremer (PDF, 421 KB)
    9. Proposal: Deborah Hogan (PDF, 707 KB) 
    10. Proposal: John Currie (PDF, 249 KB)
    11. Proposal: Allan Birchfield (PDF, 130 KB)
    12. Proposal: James Russell (PDF, 1.2 MB)
    13. Proposal: Allan Gibson (PDF, 72 KB)
    14. Proposal: Les Mathieson & Colin Pattison (PDF, 984 KB)

Proposals for some form of shared service:

    1. Proposal: Joanne Howard (PDF, 577 KB)
    2. Proposal: Anthony Black (PDF, 99 KB)
    3. Proposal: West Coast councils (PDF, 852 KB)
    4. Proposal: Barbara Holland (PDF, 184 KB)
    5. Proposal: Allen Morris (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Or download the complete document below:

Alternative applications: Proposals for West Coast reorganisation (PDF, 8.7 MB)

Decision on preferred option

In December 2017 the Commission determined its preferred option for local government reorganisation on the West Coast to be the transfer of district plan preparation and approval responsibilities from the Buller, Grey and Westland district councils to the West Coast Regional Council. This would include a joint committee of the four councils, along with local iwi, to be responsible for developing and approving a new combined West Coast district plan.

Media release: ‘no’ to amalgamation, ‘yes’ to combined district planning (6 December 2017)

Determination: Reorganisation on the West Coast (PDF, 113 KB)

Decision paper: Identification of reasonably practicable options and determination of preferred option (PDF, 989 KB)

Report: Financial and operational analysis by MartinJenkins (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Report: A study of West Coast communities of interest (PDF, 2 MB)

Report: Public perception of local government options on the West Coast by UMR (PDF, 911 KB)

Draft proposal for a combined West Coast District Plan

In April 2018 the Local Government Commission published its draft proposal for a combined West Coast District Plan. The proposal would see the formation of a joint committee comprising members of the Buller, Grey and Westland district councils, the West Coast Regional Council and iwi, to be responsible for preparing and approving a new combined district plan.

Media release: Four councils to develop joint district plan (10 April 2018)

Public Notice: Draft proposal for transfer of West Coast district plan obligations - call for public submissions (10 April 2018)

Draft proposal: Combined West Coast District Plan (PDF, 3.2 MB)

Final proposal for a combined West Coast District Plan


The Commission invited submissions in response to the draft proposal.  It received 38 written submissions. These can be read here:

Submissions: Draft proposal for a combined West Coast District plan (PDF, 3.8 MB)


The Commission held hearings in Westport, Greymouth and Hokitika on 30 and 31 May 2018. 

Final proposal

On 30 August 2018 the Local Government Commission published its draft proposal for a combined West Coast District Plan as a final proposal. The proposal will see the formation of a joint committee comprising members of the Buller, Grey and Westland district councils, the West Coast Regional Council and iwi, to be responsible for preparing and approving a new combined district plan.

Media release: Commission opts for one combined West Coast District plan (11 September 2018)

Public notice: Combined West Coast District plan (11 September 2018)

Final proposal: Combined West Coast District plan (PDF, 310 KB)

Implementation of final reorganisation proposal

First Order in Council giving effect to final proposal

On 5 November 2018, the first Order in Council, giving effect to the final West Coast District Plan proposal, was signed.

Local Government Reorganisation (West Coast Region) Final Proposal Order 2018 (NZ Gazette website)

West Coast Transition Board

In accordance with the final reorganisation proposal which set out the composition of the required West Coast Transition Board, the board comprised:

    • Rex Williams (independent chairperson)
    • Andrew Robb, Chairperson West Coast Regional Council
    • Stuart Challenger, West Coast Regional Council
    • Garry Howard, Mayor Buller District
    • Graeme Neylon, Buller District Council
    • Tony Kokshoorn, Mayor Grey District
    • Anton Becker, Grey District Council
    • Bruce Smith, Mayor Westland District
    • Latham Martin, Westland District Council
    • Francois Tumahai, Te Rūnanga o Ngati Waewae
    • Tim Rochford, Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio

The board met on three occasions (17 December 2018, 13 February 2019, 21 March 2019) to consider and agree the contents of the required reorganisation scheme and a parallel deed of agreement between the parties.

Reorganisation scheme

Reorganisation scheme: Transfer of certain district planning obligations of the West Coast District Councils to the West Coast Regional Council (PDF, 211 KB)

Second Order in Council giving effect to reorganisation scheme

On 17 June 2019, the second Order in Council, giving effect to the combined West Coast District Plan proposal, was signed. This marked the end of the reorganisation process for the Local Government Commission.

Local Government Reorganisation Scheme (West Coast Region) Order 2019 (NZ Gazette)