He tono i ngā panonitanga ki te rohenga i waenga i te rohe o Kawerau me te rohe o Whakatāne Request for changes to the boundary between Kawerau District and Whakatane District

The Commission has adopted a reorganisation plan and completed its investigation into this reorganisation initiative.

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Receipt of reorganisation initiative

The Kawerau District Council lodged a reorganisation initiative dated 7 April 2022 with the Commission.  The initiative proposed changes to the boundary between Kawerau District and Whakatane District.  The effect of the proposed changes would be to transfer four parcels of land in three separate areas from Whakatane District to Kawerau District.  The affected areas that would become part of Kawerau District if the proposed changes were to proceed are shown in the map here:

Map: Kawerau District Council – Proposed boundary changes (PDF, 6.2 MB)

Kawerau District Council considers that the proposed boundary change would better support further expansion of the Putauaki Trust Industrial Park and address two historical anomalies associated with the existing boundary.

You can read the original reorganisation initiative here:

Reorganisation initiative: Kawerau District boundary (PDF, 7.2 MB)

Next step:  

Commission decides to investigate/not investigate reorganisation initiative.

Agreement to investigate reorganisation initiative

On 21 June 2022 the Commission agreed to undertake a reorganisation investigation in relation to the Kawerau District Council reorganisation initiative.

Having agreed to investigate the initiative, the Commission notified the affected local authorities, iwi and hapū.

Next step: 

Commission drafts, adopts and notifies investigation process document after consultation with affected local authorities, iwi and hapū.

Reorganisation investigation process

At its meeting on 20 October 2022, the Commission adopted a reorganisation investigation process document for its investigation into the proposed boundary change between Kawerau District and Whakatane District.  The process document was adopted following consultation with affected local authorities, iwi and hapū. You can read the process document and related public notice here:

Process document: Kawerau reorganisation intiative - Investigation process (PDF, 700 KB)

Public Notice: Proposed boundary changes between Kawerau District and Whakatane District (28 October 2022)

Next step: 

Commission undertakes investigation.

Tell us what you think

The Commission is investigating the Kawerau District Council reorganisation initiative. We asked for feedback from the public about the proposed changes to the boundary between Kawerau District and Whakatane District.

For further detail on the proposed changes, you can read the consultation document and related public notice here:

Consultation document: Kawerau reorganisation initiative (PDF, 6.5 MB)

Public Notice: Proposed boundary changes between Kawerau District and Whakatane District (28 October 2022)

Public feedback closed on 31 March 2023.

Next step: 

Further engagement with affected landowners.

Amended investigation process

On 23 March 2023 the Commission amended the reorganisation investigation process document for its investigation into the proposed boundary change between Kawerau District and Whakatane District.  The amended process incorporates additional engagement steps, and changes to the investigation timeline. 

You can read the amended process document and related public notice here:

Amended: Investigation process - Kawerau reorganisation initiative - 23 March 2023 (PDF, 444 KB)

Public notice: Proposed boundary changes between Kawerau District and Whakatane District (27 March 2023)

Amended investigation process

On 26 June 2023 the Commission amended the reorganisation investigation process document for its investigation into the proposed boundary change between Kawerau District and Whakatane District. The amended process incorporates changes to the investigation timeline.

You can read the amended process document and related public notice here:

Amended: Investigation process - Kawerau reorganisation initiative - 30 June 2023 (PDF, 261 KB)

Public notice: Kawerau reorganisation initiative amended process (28 June 2023)

Amended investigation process

On 21 August 2023 the Commission amended the reorganisation investigation process document for its investigation into the proposed boundary change between Kawerau District and Whakatane District. The amended process incorporates additional engagement steps, and changes to the investigation timeline.

You can read the amended process document and related public notice here:

Amended: Investigation process - Kawerau reorganisation initiative - 21 August 2023 (PDF, 264 KB)

Public notice: Kawerau reorganisation initiative amended process (24 August 2023)

Community feedback and decision to not hold a public hearing

On 13 December 2023 the Commission considered community feedback on the proposed boundary change between Kawerau District and Whakatane District.  Community feedback reflected a consistent level of support for the proposed boundary changes.  None of the respondents opposed the proposed changes.  The Commission decided not to hold a public hearing.

Next step:

By the end of March 2024 the Commission will decide whether to adopt a reorganisation plan.

Decision to adopt a reorganisation plan and complete investigation

On 9 April 2024 the Commission, after considering the results of its investigation, decided to proceed with the transfer of several areas from Whakatane District to Kawerau District.  It issued a reorganisation plan providing for the boundary alterations. 

You can read a copy of the Commission’s decision here:

Decision: Adopting a reorganisation plan for the transfer of land from Whakatane District to Kawerau District (PDF, 299KB)

You can read the reorganisation plan, which includes plans of the areas being transferred, here:

Reorganisation plan: Transfer of land from Whakatane District to Kawerau District (PDF, 983 KB)

Having adopted a reorganisation plan, on 9 April 2024 the Commission also resolved to conclude its investigation into the reorganisation initiative.

You can read the related public notice here:

Public notice: Decision to adopt reorganisation plan and complete investigation

The reorganisation plan was given effect to by the Local Government Reorganisation (Whakatane District to Kawerau District) Order 2024:

Local Government Reorganisation (Whakatane District to Kawerau District) Order 2024

Next steps:

The next step is to develop a reorganisation implementation scheme setting out transitional arrangements.  Once the Commission has adopted this scheme this is given effect by an Order in Council.

Decisions to issue a reorganisation implementation scheme and apportion costs

On 20 June 2024 the Commission agreed:

  • to issue a reorganisation implementation scheme setting out details to assist the implementation of the boundary alterations between Kawerau District and Whakatane District
  • that the costs associated with the transition relate to the operation of the transition body and will be met by Kawerau District Council and Whakatane District Council as part of each council’s regular operational costs.

You can read the reorganisation implementation scheme here:

Reorganisation implementation scheme: Kawerau and Whakatane Districts (PDF, 138KB)

Next steps:

The next step is for the reorganisation implementation scheme to be given effect by an Order in Council.