Rautaki Mātauranga Kāwanatanga mō te kāwanatanga ā-rohe Governance education strategy for local government

The Commission's report to the Minister of Local Government.


Local government decision-makers have significant governance responsibilities and decision-making powers for their communities. Following on from its 2021 report on Local Government Codes of Conduct, the Commission has looked at how governance capability of councils can best be supported. It has led a working group with diverse sector experience and widely canvassed councils to take stock of the sector’s governance education needs. This report discusses the main barriers to governance education and outlines a strategy for supporting a culture of continuous learning within local government.

Read the Commission's report

Report: to the Minister of Local Government - Governance Education Strategy for Local Government (PDF, 457 KB)

To find out more about the Commission's 2021 report on Local Government Codes of Conduct, see our Local Government Codes of Conduct page.

Local government codes of conduct page