Proposed boundary changes between Western Bay of Plenty District and Tauranga City – Belk Road area, Keenan Road area and Tara Road Papamo

03 Jul 2020

The Local Government Commission is inviting submissions in relation to three proposed changes in the boundary between Western Bay of Plenty District and Tauranga City.  The three areas are:

    • Approximately 260 hectares, adjoining State Highway 36 including Keenan Road, Gasson Lane and part of Merrick Road;
    • Approximately 150 hectares, adjoining the Tauriko Business Estate around Belk Road;
    • Approximately 57 hectares, between the Tauranga Eastern Link Road and Tara Road at Papamoa.

The effect of the proposal is that each of the three areas that are currently within the district will become part of the city.  Consultation documents setting out the details of each proposal and maps showing the affected areas are available online and on the websites of the Western Bay of Plenty District and Tauranga City Councils.  Hard copies are available at the offices of both councils, and at public libraries.

Public meetings will be held for those interested in the Keenan and Belk Road areas at the offices of the Western Bay of Plenty District Council on 22 and 23 July at 7:00pm.

A meeting will be held for those interested in the Tara Road area at the Papamoa Community Centre at 2:30pm on 23 July.

People wanting further information can phone the Commission’s office on (04) 460 2228. 

The closing date for submissions is 31 July 2020.

People wishing to make submissions can do so to either;

By email to:

or post to: The Local Government Commission, PO Box 5362, Wellington 6140.


Penny Langley

Chief Executive Officer

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