Invitation for alternative applications for local government reorganisation following application for alteration of the boundary between Western Bay of Plenty District and Tauranga City

15 Mar 2019

The Local Government Commission has received an application from the Western Bay of Plenty District Council for an alteration of the boundary between the district and Tauranga City.

The applications seeks to have an area of approximately 189 ha situated at Tauriko West that is currently within the district included in the city. A map showing the affected area is available on the Commission’s website.

The Commission has determined that the application meets the requirements for an application under Schedule 3 of the Local Government Act 2002. As a result the Commission has agreed to assess the application, and is now publicly notifying it and inviting alternative applications as it is required to do.

An alternative application may be made by any person, body or group, suggesting alternative arrangements for local government for the affected area.

Any alternative applications received will be considered by the Commission along with the original application made by Western Bay of Plenty District Council. The Commission will then identify the reasonably practicable options for affected area, which will include existing local government arrangements, before identifying its preferred option.

The deadline for the Commission to receive alternative applications is Thursday,18 April 2019. Alternative applications received after that date may be declined.

A description of the required contents of an alternative application is set out in clause 10 of Schedule 3 of the Local Government Act. A link to the legislation is available on the Commission’s website – see below. Alternatively the relevant legislation can be accessed via the New Zealand Government website It is likely that access to online legislation may also be obtained through assistance from staff of local public libraries.

Alternative applications should be addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer
Local Government Commission
PO Box 5362
Wellington 6145

Electronic versions of alternative applications are acceptable and may be emailed to In this case supplementary hard copies would be appreciated particularly for appendices and other background information difficult to read in electronic form.

A copy of the Commission’s full decisions and explanatory information on the Western Bay of Plenty District Council application are available on the Commission’s website or may be obtained from the Commission.

Phone: (04) 494 0552
Fax: (04) 494 0501
Postal Address: PO Box 5362, Wellington 6145


The decisions, the Commission’s reorganisation guidelines and the original application from Western Bay of Plenty District Council are also available on the Commission’s website.

Donald Riezebos
Chief Executive Officer

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