Draft Proposal for transfer of West Coast district plan obligations: Call for public submissions

10 Apr 2018

The Local Government Commission is calling for submissions on a Draft Proposal to change the district plan obligations on the West Coast.

The Draft Proposal would see the establishment of a joint committee, comprising Buller, Grey and Westland district councils, West Coast Regional Council, and local iwi, to be responsible for preparing and approving a new combined district plan. This would follow the transfer of the legal obligations of the three district councils to prepare and maintain a plan under the Resource Management Act 1991  to West Coast Regional Council, with delegated power to prepare and approve the plan then given to the joint committee.

If progressed to a final proposal, the transfer would:

    • keep in place the three district councils and the West Coast Regional Council, as currently constituted, operating as they do now in respect of all their other functions and responsibilities
    • result in one set of district planning rules for the West Coast by bringing together the current separate Buller, Grey and Westland district plans
    • recognise the distinct character of different areas by allowing for local variations in the combined plan
    • result in the district councils continuing to be responsible for administering the new plan once it was adopted.

Copies of the draft proposal are being distributed to letter boxes across the West Coast on 10/11 April. It will also be available at West Coast council offices and at libraries in the region; or it can be viewed on our website.

 Submissions are invited, with a deadline of 4pm, 25 May 2018. An online submission can be made via the Commission’s website, or written submissions can be made in a format of the submitter’s choice.  (Once received by the Commission, these are considered public documents and may be published or released, minus any personal information such as addresses and contact numbers.)

The Commission will hold public submission hearings on the West Coast on 30 and 31 May. After considering submissions, the Commission will consider whether to proceed to a final proposal.


Send submissions to:

Post: Local Government Commission

PO Box 5362

Wellington 6140

Email: submissions@lgc.govt.nz


Donald Riezebos

Acting Chief Executive Officer

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