Amendment to timetable for investigating Golden Bay local board application

01 Jul 2020

The Local Government Commission has previously released a document outlining the process it intended undertaking for the investigation into the application it had received for establishment of a Golden Bay local board. If adopted, the local board would replace the existing Golden Bay Community Board.

The investigation process document included a timetable for public consultation and the subsequent steps the Commission must take, under Schedule 3 of the Local Government Act 2002, in making its decision on whether or not to proceed to a reorganisation plan.   

Because of the Covid-19 emergency, including lockdown period, the Commission was not able to carry out its planned consultation in the period identified. Accordingly, the Commission has amended its process document for the consultation period to run from Monday, 6 July 2020 until Friday, 14 August 2020.

Copies of the Golden Bay local board investigation process document are available on the Commission’s website. In addition, the Commission’s consultation document will be available on its website from Monday, 6 July 2020 and will be delivered to mailboxes across Tasman District.

Further information on the investigation process can be obtained from the Commission by:

Phone: (04) 460 2228


Post: PO Box 5362, Wellington 6145

The relevant legislation can be accessed via the New Zealand government website.

Schedule 3 of the Local Government Act 2002 (NZ Legislation Website)

It is likely that access to the online legislation may also be obtained through assistance from staff at local public libraries.


Penny Langley

Chief Executive Officer

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