Waiheke application part of Auckland Council process

30 May 2016

The Local Government Commission has decided the application from Our Waiheke for a unitary council for Waiheke is to be considered as an “alternative application’’ in the Auckland Council reorganisation process initiated by the North Rodney reorganisation application.

This means the applications for Waiheke and North Rodney will now be treated as two options for how local government in the Auckland Council area could be reorganised, rather than being assessed as part of two separate processes.

The decision follows and is related to the application from the Northern Action Group  for a unitary council for North Rodney separate from Auckland Council, and a determination by the Commission that the Auckland Council area, rather than just North Rodney, is the “affected area’’ for that application.

“The Commission has given careful consideration to how best to assess the Our Waiheke application in the current context,’’ said Commission Chair Sir Wira Gardiner. “Our view is that considering it within the process already underway for assessing the options for local government reorganisation in the Auckland Council area is the most appropriate process for finding the option that best promotes the purpose of local government in that affected area.’’

“In arriving at the reasonably practicable options for local government in Auckland, the Our Waiheke application will receive appropriate assessment by the Commission (along with all other alternative applications received by the Commission within the applications deadline) , in the same way that this would occur as part of a separate Waiheke-only process,” Sir Wira added.

The cut-off date for alternative applications for local government reorganisation in Auckland, initiated by the North Rodney application and now including the Our Waiheke application, is 24 June.

Further information on the reorganisation process and the Our Waiheke application can be found below:

Website page: 2020 - Auckland reorganisation

Next Steps

  • The Commission considers all submitted alternative applications
  • Depending on the alternative applications received, the Commission has the discretion to consult with the communities concerned
  • The Commission identifies reasonably practicable options including the existing Auckland Council arrangements
  • The Commission may choose to consult further at this point
  • It then chooses a preferred option; if this is not the status quo, it develops a draft proposal
  • A draft proposal is subject to consultation including submissions and in some cases a hearing or series of hearings
  • If the Commission decides to proceed, it issues a final proposal. Otherwise it can choose to end the process, or identify a new draft proposal for consultation
  • If requested by the community a poll on the final proposal is held
  • If no poll is requested or the poll shows the necessary level of support for the final proposal, the final proposal is implemented

Media contact:

Michael Player | Local Government Commission

DDI +64 4 474 8164 | 027 224 8181 | michael.player@dia.govt.nz   

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