Commission calls for alternatives to Horowhenua / Palmerston North boundary alteration application

04 Apr 2019

The Local Government Commission is calling for alternative applications to one received from the “Tokopiki Boundary Change Group” seeking the alteration of the boundary between Horowhenua District and Palmerston North City. This follows the Commission’s decision in November last year to “assess” that application.

The application is for the southern boundary of the city to be extended to include the township of Tokomaru and the surrounding area, and the neighbouring locality of Opiki. These communities currently fall within Horowhenua. The application proposes that the southern boundary of Palmerston North City should be moved south to the line of Okuku and Kingston roads. A copy of that application and additional information about the process is available at the Commission’s website.

Website page: Alteration to the boundary between Horowhenua District and Palmerston North City

The call for alternative applications is the next step in the process that is set out in the Local Government Act.

Anyone can submit an alternative application, or other proposal. An alternative application must include a description of the type of local government change or changes proposed, a map or description of the affected area, what the changes are seeking to achieve and what improvements would result from these changes.

Alternative applications and other proposals must be received at the Local Government Commission by 15 May 2019. They should be emailed to or posted to: Chief Executive Officer, Local Government Commission, PO Box 5362, Wellington 6140.

The Commission will consider all responses in identifying the “reasonably practicable options’’ for local government arrangements for the affected area. If the Commission decides there is more than one reasonably practicable option, it must then identify its “preferred option’’. If the preferred option is not the status quo, the Commission will then prepare a draft reorganisation proposal and consult the community about it.

Donald Riezebos
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Direct Dial: +64 4 460 2202

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