Commission agrees to assess Golden Bay local board application

30 Nov 2018

At its meeting on 29 November 2018, the Local Government Commission agreed to assess the application it had received for the establishment of a local board for Golden Bay in Tasman District.

The Commission agreed that the application contained all the required information in order for it to assess the application. This included information demonstrating community support for the application by way of a residents survey conducted by the ‘Working Group for a Golden Bay Local Board’ and a petition that accompanied the application.

The Commission was also satisfied there was the required demonstrable community support for local government reorganisation, as distinct from support for the application, in order to proceed to assess the application.

The next formal steps in the process, set out in Schedule 3 of the Local Government Act, include an invitation for alternative applications. However the Commission decided it would meet with the applicant (the working group) and Tasman District Council before proceeding with these steps. It hopes these meetings will occur early in the New Year.


For further information contact:

Donald Riezebos

Chief Executive Officer

Direct Dial: +64 4 460 2202


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